Monday, December 10, 2018

#HelpForAuthors #IndiePower Check Out Some Helpful Sites!

Times are changing for Indie Authors. The need to help each other has never been greater. I thought I would give out a few things I always do on a promotion. Everything I do on Romantic Picks is free to authors. I'm also not getting anything by mentioning these sites below. My intent is to help. I hope it does.


AXP has great resources for Indie Authors from helping get Beta Readers and help building your email list to promoting bargain and free books and book launches. I use AXP with good results. I highly recommended the site.

Great Book Deals is another blog I highly recommend for authors and readers alike. 

eNovel-Round-Logo-2-150x150 (1)

I urge any author to check out eNovel Authors at Work. No one works harder for authors than Jackie Weger.

eNovel Authors at Work is a group of indie authors

1) Who believe in paying-it-forward…

2) Our goal is to get our books visible and in the hands of readers….

Our mantra is WRITE. PROMOTE. SELL.


The books I post here are of my choicing. I don't have a form or anything to fill out. I do like support. So if you tweet or FB post my blog, don't be surprised if you find your book here on Romantic Picks. If you're running a bargain or free ebook, leave me a comment on that's day's post or Tweeter direct message.

The bottom line is that we need to help each other...RT, FB post, a friendly word from to a friend.
Other sites I recommend for promoting...